Class SendDocumentService

  extended by

public class SendDocumentService
extends java.lang.Object

Created by User: EmadFarraj Date: Aug 14, 2008 Time: 1:02:16 PM RNotify 2008

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 com.rnotify.model.DocumentStatus queryDocumentStatus(int transactionId)
          Query Document Status returns the current status the document.
 int sendDocument(java.lang.String apiKey, java.lang.String faxNumber, java.lang.String email, byte[] faxDocument, java.lang.String referenceNumber, java.lang.String confirmationTextMessageNumber, java.lang.String confirmationPhoneNumber, java.util.Calendar sendTime)
          The Send Document facity allows you to send a document via webservices.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SendDocumentService()
Method Detail


public int sendDocument(java.lang.String apiKey,
                        java.lang.String faxNumber,
                        java.lang.String email,
                        byte[] faxDocument,
                        java.lang.String referenceNumber,
                        java.lang.String confirmationTextMessageNumber,
                        java.lang.String confirmationPhoneNumber,
                        java.util.Calendar sendTime)
The Send Document facity allows you to send a document via webservices. The facility allows you to send a PDF document via fax or email. The document is followed up with a Automated Confirmation Voice call and an optional notification text message. The system will send the docuemnt to the end user and alert the sender if there are any complications in the process.

apiKey - This is the API key associated with your account. Create an RNotify account, login into your account, and click on the API page to retrieve you key.
faxNumber - This is the fax number you want us to send the document to. Fax Number, email, or both must be present.
email - This is the email number you want us to send the document to. Fax Number, email, or both must be present.
faxDocument - This is a byte Array of the Fax Document. Currently, we only support PDF Dcouments.
referenceNumber - This is a reference number you can tie to this transaction. This reference number will be displayed in the reports section.
confirmationTextMessageNumber - This is number of a mobile phone attached to the account that can receive alerts when a document is send
confirmationPhoneNumber - This is a phone number that is used to send confirmation phone calls to
sendTime - If you wish to send your document in the future,
int transaction ID used to query the status of your Document


public com.rnotify.model.DocumentStatus queryDocumentStatus(int transactionId)
Query Document Status returns the current status the document. The Doucment Staus provides up to date information about the tranmission of the document.

transactionId - This is the transaction ID used to query the Document Status. The transaction ID is returned from the sendDocument method.
DocumentStatus This contains information about the document, such as when the document was sent, whether or not it was resent, whether the client confirmed the order, and an optional message from staff if they needed to manually intervine with the order